Class IV St. Louis River, MN

CR210 to Oldenburg Point

A quarter mile stretch just below the dam at Hwy.210 (situated in a scenic, dark-rock gorge) is site of slalom/rodeo each August. A series of ledges and waves exist at virtually any water levels. 'Fish flow' of 250 cfs is great for rodeo play on some of these waves. The "210 drop" is a pourover feature just downstream from the Hwy. 210 which allows for good spectating. Approximately 1/4 mile downstream from the highway, a former railroad trestle spans the river, affording bikers and roller-bladers on the Munger Trail an impressive view of the gorge. This paved "rail-trail" bike path connects to the outskirts of Duluth, and makes a fine recreational alternative for non-paddlers, or paddlers taking an 'off-river' day. (Source: American Whitewater)

Section Details

Trip Length Partial Day, 3.3 Miles
Fishing Yes
Camping No
Manager Private, Minnesota Power
Wild & Scenic No
Water Trail No
Description American Whitewater
River Flow Information

This section of river is dependent on flow being released from an upstream hydropower dam.

Greater than normal release flows for select weekends are a result of cooperation between American Whitewater and University of Minnesota Duluth’s Recreational Sports Outdoor Program, Kayak and Canoe Institute. A schedule of upcoming releases is available on Minnesota Power’s website, linked above, under “2019 Thomson Dam Recreational Releases.” (Source: American Whitewater)